How to Write a Business Plan Using ChatGPT? - Peak Plans

The question “How to Write a Business Plan Using ChatGPT?” is becoming a popular question. With the rising popularity of artificial intelligence (AI) day by day, the technology today has come to a point that we could not even imagine 10 years before. Especially AI applications like OpenAI’s ChatGPT is an eye-opener and gives the power and assistance to complete a lot of time consuming tasks easily. One of the challenging tasks for most entrepreneurs is to write their business plans. Not everybody has a business background, terminology and business acumen. At this point, you can leverage the use of AI and let it write the business plan for your business. Here is how:

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Warming Up ChatGPT For The Role

First of all, define a role for ChatGPT. It can be your assistant or business plan expert or business consultant. Communicate with it and write prompts like:

“I would like to be my business plan consultant for writing the business plan for my new business, OK?”

After that and after making sure that ChatGPT clearly understands that it’s your right-hand in writing your business plan, chat with it about your business. Communicate with it about your:

  • Business idea
  • Business concept
  • Target market
  • Unique selling proposition
  • Business model
  • Funding needs, etc.

ChatGPT will provide feedback, ask questions, and even offer suggestions based on your entries, prompts and responses.

Market Research

You have to conduct a market research first, by yourself because you can not trust ChatGPT for the whole market reseach since it sometimes has “hallucinations” and it also does not have up to date internet connection.

But you can you it as your “coach” on how to do your market research and also ChatGPT can act as a secondary research team member for your market research.

Ask about market trends, competitor analysis, and customer personas. This AI model can provide insights from its vast database up until its last update in 2022, giving you a foundational understanding of your market landscape.

Structuring Your Business Plan and Each Section

Using ChatGPT, outline your business plan into clear sections. Here’s a proposed structure:

Executive Summary:

A summary of your business plan. After finishing all the parts of your business plan, write a prompt for ChatGPT to write an Executive Summary section for your business plan. This way, it will have the info to write the executive summary.

Company Description:

Give the specific details of your company such as your location, legal structure, shareholders, services, your team’s expertise, and milestones or success stories if any and your differentiators from your competitors. Enter this information as a prompt and then, ask ChatGPT to write a Company Description Section for your business plan.

Market Analysis:

Use ChatGPT to visualize your market clearly, to reach industry statistics, such as its current size, growth potential, trends. Enter prompts to make a list of the specific characteristics of your potential customers such as their location, their business & industry, age, gender, their income, number of employees, etc.

Here, also you can ask ChatGPT to make a SWOT Anaysis for your business.


Detail your product or service. ChatGPT can provide suggestions on presenting benefits, features, and the problem they solve.

Marketing & Sales Strategy:

This section decribes how you’ll attract and retain customers. To build your marketing plan, first, define your target customers. Describe who they are, where they are located, what revenue ranges they have, which industries they are in, how many people they employ, how their purchasing processes are, where they are seen, how and where you can reach them, etc.

Ask ChatGPT to develop unique and attractive sales propositions for your target customers. Also ask the ideal ways to communicate with your customers

Ask ChatGPT to help you describe your sales channels in your specific type of business,  including your sales process, techniques, and activities, including your payment collection processes.

Organization & Management:

This section is about your business structure and your team. Describe your team and their roles. Ask ChatGPT to assist in defining roles, responsibilities, ask it to provide you a team and Management plan for such a company.

Funding Request:

Clearly state your funding needs. ChatGPT can guide you in ensuring that your request is well-justified and presented in a compelling manner.

Financial Projections:

Project your financials. While you may need accounting software or a professional for detailed projections, ChatGPT can assist with general guidelines and best practices.


Add any supplementary information. ChatGPT can help in listing down essential documents or data you might want to include.


Once your draft is ready, it’s vital to review and refine it. Read it aloud to ChatGPT and get feedback. The model can help point out inconsistencies, suggest improvements, and even help with grammar and syntax.

Final Touches

End by adding any visuals, charts, or graphs to enhance your business plan’s appeal. While ChatGPT can’t create visuals, it can guide you on what kind of visuals might be beneficial and how to present data effectively.

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